How to Build a Network for Success

Connecting the dots.

If there’s one thing we love here at DGL, it’s networking! We consider it an absolutely essential skill for anyone looking to advance their career. But just because you recognize something is necessary, doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone to do.

We often hear from attendees of our trainings that they have trouble putting themselves out there, fearing that they are intruding, being pushy or simply have a more introverted nature. If you fall into that category, don’t despair, we have some tips below that can help you feel more prepared to take the leap.

1. Why networking is important.

It helps you to:

  • –    Make valuable connections: Whether you’re looking for a new job, trying to find new clients, or simply want to expand your professional sphere, networking can help.

–    Learn about new opportunities: Networking can help you learn about new job openings or business ventures that you might not have heard about otherwise. Furthermore, you can tap into your network to learn more about the opportunity and hopefully put in a good word for you.

–    Build your reputation: Networking with other professionals helps establish your credibility and build your brand.

2. Tips for successful networking.

–    Be prepared: Before attending an event, make sure you have plenty of business cards, your elevator pitch is polished and practiced on friends and colleagues, and you’ve done your research on the attendees.

–    Be authentic: Don’t try to be someone you’re not. People can sense, and are often made uncomfortable, when someone isn’t being genuine. By being yourself, people will be more likely to connect with you and be left with a good impression.

–    Listen more than you talk: The best networkers are great listeners. Take the time to get to know the people you’re networking with and show a genuine interest in what they have to say.

–    Follow up: After a networking event, be sure to follow up with the people you met. Send them an email or connect with them on LinkedIn to keep the conversation going. Refer back to something you talked about to help them remember you and the connection you made.

Try putting some of these tips into action and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results! We run a program called Networking Mastery, helping prepare professionals to take the networking leap, and here’s what they found after putting the tools into action:

Once I started, I realized that networking is achievable and not so scary at all.

I took a deep breath, put the teachings into action and was recently promoted.

I discovered that we all need to take the time to build our networking acumen, in fact I’d say that networking at senior levels should be a job requirement.

Remember, networking is an ongoing process, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and start meeting new people!



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